Zhili Insurance

Accident Insurance

Accident insurance is a type of insurance designed to provide financial protection in the event of injuries or death resulting from an accident. Here are the main features and benefits of accident insurance in Canada:

  1. Injury Coverage
    Accident insurance typically covers bodily injuries caused by accidents. If the insured person is injured at home, work, or while traveling, the insurance company will pay a compensation amount to cover medical expenses, hospitalization, and rehabilitation costs.
  2. Death Coverage
    In the unfortunate event of the insured person’s death due to an accident, accident insurance pays a lump sum to the designated beneficiaries. This amount can be used to cover funeral expenses, repay loans, or support the family’s daily expenses, alleviating financial pressure.
  3. Income Loss Compensation
    Accident insurance also provides compensation for income loss. If the insured person is unable to work due to an accident, the insurance company will pay a certain percentage of the usual income, helping to maintain the standard of living and cover daily expenses.
  4. Rehabilitation Costs
    Accident insurance usually includes coverage for rehabilitation costs. If long-term treatment is needed after an accident, the insurance covers the costs of physical therapy, occupational therapy, and other necessary rehabilitation treatments.
  5. Global Coverage
    Many accident insurance plans in Canada offer global coverage, ensuring protection for the insured person both domestically and internationally. This is particularly beneficial for frequent travelers.

Suitable Individuals
Accident insurance is recommended for individuals of all ages and professions, especially those in high-risk occupations or who frequently engage in outdoor activities. It provides extra security and reduces the financial impact of accidents on the insured and their family.

Selection Advice
When choosing accident insurance, it is important to consider lifestyle, occupational risks, and financial situation. Carefully read the policy terms to understand the scope of coverage, conditions for compensation, and exclusions. Consulting a professional insurance advisor can help in selecting the most suitable product for individual needs.